As this pandemic grips the world, it would be fair to say that Robotics is the future.
Covid-19 might have damaged a lot of industries but the pandemic has given the Robotics industry the push that it has been waiting for. Well, of course, the growth of Robotics has already seen a steep rise in the last decade or two, but it seems like this Covid-19 pandemic has only expedited the rise further, making it one of the most sought-after industries in the post-Covid-19 era for the upcoming graduates and working professionals.
Around the world, companies large and small are looking to incorporate robots to accommodate the rules of social distancing and reduce the number of staff that have to physically come to work. Robots are especially being used to perform roles workers cannot do from home, or ones that may expose workers to the virus. For instance,
Walmart, America's biggest retailer, is using robots to scrub its floors.
Robots in South Korea are being used to measure temperatures and distribute hand sanitizers!

With health experts warning that some social distancing measures may need to be in place through 2021 too, robot workers may be in greater demand, consequently making the Robotics industry more lucrative and prominent than it has ever been.
In warehouses operated by Amazon and Walmart, robots are already in use to improve efficiency, and with the Covid-19 outbreak, both the companies are looking to increase the use of robots for sorting, shipping, and packing.
The food industry is another area where the use of robots is likely to increase because people are skeptical of coming in close contact with waiters and other attendants due to health concerns and social distancing norms.
According to a recent article by BBC, Fast-food chains like McDonald's have been testing robots as cooks and servers.

But, of all the industries that have been deploying robots for safe and smooth conduct of their operational activities during these trying times, the medical industry has benefitted the most from the use of robots. There are a lot of mundane tasks abound in medical facilities, most of which are overlooked, and most of which include exposure to infection. Trash pickup, room cleaning and area disinfection, medication distribution, and meal delivery are just a few of those tasks that are being performed by robots, reducing the risk medical workers are exposed to. Freeing staff from some of these tasks not only increases their attention towards the treatment of the patients, but it also helps reduce the probability that one of those workers will become a patient themselves.

Given the current global situation, it's perfectly safe to assume that the Covid-19 pandemic is here to stay, for quite some time. Consequently, the Robotics industry has become indispensable at the time of this pandemic, and even for the future, the possibilities are unbounded. Most industries will try incorporating Robotics facilities to adapt to a world struck by a pandemic. As a result, the booming of the Robotics industry will be manifold.
So, for all Robotics enthusiasts around the globe who wish to begin a career in this field by pursuing a Masters's degree, Now is the right time to do so!

However, given the fact that Robotics requires a significant level of specialization, it's imperative for anyone hoping to enter into this particular industry to possess the required skills and technical knowledge. Also, since the market is going to remain dormant for around 12 to 15 months more (As per the historical data of previous recessions), the jobs are going to be scarce across all industries.
Therefore, it is the ideal time to acquire the skills and knowledge (which could be through a Masters degree in Robotics) required to pursue the field, so that when the market returns to normalcy and the hot-jobs in the Robotics industry are up for grabs, you don't miss out on any opportunity that comes your way.

Having said that, there are a lot of Robotics programs, especially in the universities of the US, that have picked up quite some pace. So if you're contemplating a career in this industry, you can refer to our previous blog on Top-5 Robotics Programs in the US.
In case you want to dive deeper into these trending robotics programs and figure out the future prospects, or if you want us to review your profile objectively in order to identify universities that your profile might be cut out for and further help you secure admits from them, you can consider scheduling your free counseling call with us by reaching out to us at rubeusconsultancy@gmail.com.